Gouts is a type of arthetis, often sudden onset. swelling, pain and inflammation of the joints. Nearly half of gout cases usually start in the big toe, followed by the fingers, wrists, knees, and heels.
Gouts is a type of arthetis, often sudden onset. swelling, pain and inflammation of the joints. Nearly half of gout cases usually start in the big toe, followed by the fingers, wrists, knees, and heels. Symptoms of the disease occur when there is too much uric acid in the blood. When uric acid levels are high, uric crystals can accumulate in the joints. This process causes swelling, inflammation, and intense pain. Gout attacks usually occur at night, after protein-rich meals, and last 3-10 days. This condition is caused by 3 common causes: Due to increased endogenous uric acid production; Due to a decrease in uric acid excretion in the kidneys; Overeating foods high in purines such as red meats and seafood. Random eating makes the disease progress in a bad way and leaves unpredictable consequences. Therefore, in addition to following the treatment regimen, exercise also needs a reasonable menu for the treatment to achieve better results. Every day, the body produces uric acid after metabolizing purines, which are found in many foods. To control gout, it is necessary to control the cause, in which it is necessary to reduce the intake of purines. No diet will completely prevent gout attacks, but a healthy diet will help you better manage your health: maintain an ideal weight; establish and follow healthy eating habits; limit foods containing purines; Foods that can help control uric acid levels.
Foods to avoid when you have gout
Foods and drinks high in purines increase the risk of gout attacks, so avoid these foods: red meat, lamb and pork; Visceral organs, viscera such as liver, kidney, brain, heart...; Seafood, especially shellfish such as shrimp, mussels, anchovies and sardines;Avoid green vegetables with fast growth such as asparagus, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, bean sprouts, longan... because they increase the rate of uric acid synthesis in the blood; High-fructose products such as soda and some juices, ice cream, candy, and fast food.
Avoid alcohol because alcohol increases uric acid production in the liver and prevents the kidneys from excreting uric acid. Avoid taking diuretics and corticosteroids.
Avoid cakes and cookies as they are low in nutrients and can increase uric acid levels.
Good food for gout patients
Choose foods that are low in purines, such as: low-fat and fat-free milk and dairy products, such as yogurt and skim milk; Fresh fruits and vegetables, fruits rich in vitamin C such as strawberries and pineapples should be used because they reduce inflammation effectively, helping patients to be healthier; Nuts, peanut butter and cereals; Fat, potatoes, rice, bread and pasta; Eggs (moderate); Meats such as fish, chicken and red meat are fine in moderation (about 100 - 120g per day, depending on the patient's condition);
Green vegetables of all kinds: broccoli and spinach are high-fiber foods that are recommended for gout patients because they can reduce protein absorption, thereby reducing uric acid formation. Should use more alkaline foods such as broccoli, radish, squash ... because they have the effect of neutralizing uric acid in the blood, slowing the progression of the disease.
Should drink a lot of water every day, should drink 2 - 2.5 liters per day depending on weight, gender, age... Supplementing with vitamin C about 500-1000mg per day can also help reduce uric acid.
Although a healthy diet can help control uric acid levels, patients still need to follow medication to prevent acute gout attacks. Go for regular check-ups to work with your doctor to figure out the best treatment for each patient.
source: http://viendinhduong.vn/vi/tin-tuc---su-kien-noi-bat/nguoi-benh-gut-nen-an-gi.html